Legal translations Warsaw

Legal translations Warsaw

Documents of a legal and official nature are among the most frequently translated. Why? Because the number of court and official cases in which they are used as evidence is truly enormous. Thanks to Poland’s membership of the European Union and the Schengen area, working abroad and cooperating with international companies is much easier than ever.

This, in turn, has consequences in terms of having to deal with many issues. If you, too, need legal translations in Warsaw fast, you should come to us.

Why? Because we are one of the oldest translation agencies in the capital. We employ many highly qualified translators, thanks to which we can offer really fast turnaround times. However, this is not the end of the story. Regular clients ordering legal translations from us in Warsaw can count on competitive conditions – discounts and express orders.

How to start cooperating with us? It is very simple – give us a call or send us an e-mail, in which you will inform us what documents you want to have translated.

Lidaria Translation Agency provides legal translations for many companies and law firms.

In terms of legal translations, we translate all kinds of documents:

contracts – ranging from employment contracts, commercial contracts, service contracts, supply contracts, rental contracts, cooperation contracts, etc..,

acts of incorporation,


regulations, orders,

court documents – for example lawsuits, appeals,

powers of attorney,

notarial deeds.

For legal translations we employ highly experienced translators, who work on the commissioned translation with the utmost care and experience.

For our clients, we offer not only ordinary translations, but also sworn translations (certified translations).


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