Polish-English translator.

This is a person who is fluent in both Polish and English. The Polish-English translator translates the text in both directions. When translating a text, he or she must understand it perfectly in order to fully reflect the meaning and all the details of the text in the language being translated. The transl ator must also be characterised by professionalism, experience and the ability to learn quickly, as the rapid development of many fields and specialisations has forced translators to constantly educate themselves and improve their qualifications.
The Polish-English translator, due to the fact that English is an international language, has to be up to date with not only legal or economic, but also medical, technical or IT subjects. It is also very important that the interpreter must be characterised by resilience to any kind of stress, for example attending meetings and interpreting “live” both sides. He or she must be able to divide attention and reflexively not to overlook any detail that may turn out to be an important fact of the interpretation.


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