Medical translations Warsaw

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Our LIDARIA Translation Agency is very often approached by clients wishing to order medical translations Warsaw. There are several interesting issues related to this kind of translations. In general, medical translations belong to narrowly specialised translations, in which a lot of knowledge is required, and often consultations with doctors are also necessary. It is easy to imagine the great responsibility of a person who performs medical translations in Warsaw. Any misinterpretations or mistakes can have a major impact on further treatment or the patient’s state of health. In order to avoid such cases, in our office all the medical translations required are consulted with eminent medical specialists, if necessary. However, it does not stop there.

Medical translations Warsaw and medical confidentiality.

Having access to medical records, we inevitably need to know the patient’s condition, description of diseases, treatment and other related information – e.g. results of medical examinations. This places an enormous responsibility on us. Our clients always receive assurances from us that we will not pass on information obtained in this way to anyone. In many cases, we can also sign appropriate declarations in which we undertake to maintain full anonymity and secrecy of the translated documents.

Who orders medical translations Warsaw?

Clients who often order medical translations from us are the patients themselves or their families. When wishing to start treatment abroad, a common condition is to provide the entire medical history, translated into the designated language, of course. We also often accept for translation into Polish, for example, vaccination cards for children, which are needed in Polish healthcare institutions.

However, medical translations also include all kinds of translations of articles from the medical press, studies, research results and even translations of drug leaflets. Apart from private individuals, medical translations are also ordered from us by pharmaceutical companies, drug distributors, clinics, sales representatives, as well as many other entities wishing to market medical devices, rehabilitation equipment, supplements, etc. In each case, we provide them with professional and reliable assistance with the translations ordered.


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