Rules for the performance of translations by Lidaria Translation Agency.

I. Provision of#sworn#translations
1. The rules for the performance of sworn translations are regulated by regulations of the Minister of Justice. A calculation page of a sworn translation amounts to 1125 characters with spaces.
2. Completed sworn translations are collected in person by the Customer at the seat of LIDARIA Translation Agency.
II. Translation#performance
1. A calculation page counts 1600 characters with spaces.
2. Settlement is based on the resultant text.
3. The minimum fee is charged for 1 page.
4. Modes of order execution:
o normal mode (up to 5 pages per day within two working days )
o Express mode (completion on the day of the order or on the following day, and more than 5 pages per day)
5. The order completion time does not include the day of acceptance and the day of delivery, holidays and public holidays.
6. Finished translations are sent back to the Client by e-mail to the address provided by the Client.
7. In the case of delivery of ready translations via the Polish Post, or courier service (paid service), LIDARIA Translation Agency shall not be liable for delays lying on the side of the Polish Post or courier company.
8. Translations are carried out with due diligence, but they are “raw translations”, which must be subject to professional verification and correction before publication.
9. In the event of the Client resigning from an ordered translation during its realisation, the Client is obliged to pay LIDARIA Translation Agency remuneration for the number of pages translated up to the moment of resigning.
10. In exceptional situations LIDARIA Translation Agency reserves the right to refuse to carry out an order received, stating the reason for such refusal.


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